Publicacións (142) Publicacións nas que participase algún/ha investigador/a


  1. 2D-DIGE-based proteomic analysis of intracoronary versus peripheral arterial blood platelets from acute myocardial infarction patients: Upregulation of platelet activation biomarkers at the culprit site

    Proteomics - Clinical Applications, Vol. 10, Núm. 8, pp. 851-858

  2. A Functional Link between AMPK and Orexin Mediates the Effect of BMP8B on Energy Balance

    Cell Reports, Vol. 16, Núm. 8, pp. 2231-2242

  3. A Scoring System to Determine Risk of Delayed Bleeding After Endoscopic Mucosal Resection of Large Colorectal Lesions

    Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Vol. 14, Núm. 8, pp. 1140-1147

  4. Academia de Medicina de Familia de Espana: ˜ una estructura necesaria para impulsar la medicina de familia como disciplina académica, como especialidad y como profesión

    Medicina general, Vol. 5, Núm. 3, pp. 75-76

  5. Access to interdental brushing in periodontal healthy young adults: A cross-sectional study

    PLoS ONE, Vol. 11, Núm. 5

  6. Actor secundario: Estreñimiento

    Proyecto Lumbre: Revista Multidisciplinar de Insuficiencia Cutánea Aguda, Mes 13, pp. 44-49

  7. Ajuste de plataforma biorreabsorvível em lesão ostial pela técnica de Szabo

    Revista Portuguesa de Cardiologia, Vol. 35, Núm. 11, pp. 623-625

  8. Allergy to blue dye

    Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Vol. 26, Núm. 6, pp. 381-383

  9. Alteration of platelet GPVI signaling in ST-elevation myocardial infarction patients demonstrated by a combination of proteomic, biochemical, and functional approaches

    Scientific Reports, Vol. 6

  10. Assessing the cardiology community position on transradial intervention and the use of bivalirudin in patients with acute coronary syndrome undergoing invasive management: Results of an EAPCI survey

    EuroIntervention, Vol. 12, Núm. 9, pp. 1154-1163

  11. Assessment of effectiveness and security in high pressure postdilatation of bioresorbable vascular scaffolds during percutaneous coronary intervention. Study in a contemporary, non-selected cohort of Spanish patients

    International Journal of Cardiology, Vol. 219, pp. 264-270

  12. Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonay Disease and Other Combinations

    Archivos de Bronconeumologia, Vol. 52, Núm. 10, pp. 499-500

  13. Asymmetrical proliferative pattern loss linked to cyclin D1 overexpression during malignant transformation of the lip epithelium

    Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, Vol. 30, Núm. 8, pp. 1315-1320

  14. Ausencia de vena cava superior derecha con cava superior izquierda persistente: Diagnóstico fetal

    Progresos de Obstetricia y Ginecologia, Vol. 59, Núm. 2, pp. 66-68

  15. Balance Disorders in the Elderly: Does Instability Increase over Time?

    Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology, Vol. 125, Núm. 7, pp. 550-558

  16. Bevacizumab and temozolomide versus temozolomide alone as neoadjuvant treatment in unresected glioblastoma: the GENOM 009 randomized phase II trial

    Journal of Neuro-Oncology, Vol. 127, Núm. 3, pp. 569-579

  17. Blood Pressure Profile and Hypertensive Organ Damage in COPD Patients and Matched Controls. The RETAPOC Study

    PloS one, Vol. 11, Núm. 6, pp. e0157932

  18. Bloqueo de la fascia transversalis versus bloqueo plano transverso del abdomen anterior ecoguiados en cirugía ambulatoria de hernia inguinal

    Revista Espanola de Anestesiologia y Reanimacion, Vol. 63, Núm. 9, pp. 498-504

  19. CK19 expression in breast tumours and lymph node metastasis after neoadjuvant therapy

    Histopathology, Vol. 69, Núm. 2, pp. 239-249

  20. Cardiovascular risk assessment in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: The relevance of clinical, genetic and serological markers

    Autoimmunity Reviews, Vol. 15, Núm. 11, pp. 1013-1030