Publicacións (20) Publicacións nas que participase algún/ha investigador/a


  1. Artificial Intelligence in surgery: The Precision Medicine revolution

    Journal of Healthcare Quality Research

  2. Asthma and Atopic Dermatitis: Is a Multidisciplinary Approach Possible?

    Open Respiratory Archives

  3. Cutaneous mucinosis of infancy: a rare entity in pediatrics

    International Journal of Dermatology

  4. Dark lesion with irregular and polymorphous vascularization in two patients: A quiz

    Acta Dermato-Venereologica

  5. Efficiency in patch testing: the number needed to test to get one relevant result as a new approach in the evaluation of baseline series

    British Journal of Dermatology

  6. Electronic health records. New technologies to protect patient privacy

    Journal of Healthcare Quality Research

  7. Fixed food eruption caused by Maja squinado (European spider crab) in a child

    Contact Dermatitis

  8. Head and neck surgery is a high-risk procedure for COVID-19 transmission, and there is a need for a preventive strategy to protect professionals

    Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology

  9. Iso-Kikuchi syndrome with Y-shaped bifurcation of the distal phalanx of the index fingers

    JDDG - Journal of the German Society of Dermatology

  10. Matching burden of skin diseases, demand for dermatological consultations and clinical research activity: results from three national studies

    British Journal of Dermatology

  11. Photosensibilität in Verbindung mit einer Dutasterid-Therapie

    JDDG - Journal of the German Society of Dermatology

  12. Santos Rego, M.A., Valle Arias, A., y Lorenzo Moledo, M. (Eds.). (2019).

    Revista de educación, Núm. 390, pp. 157-159

  13. Sars-CoV-2 infection: the same virus can cause different cutaneous manifestations: reply from authors

    British Journal of Dermatology

  14. Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy Has No Therapeutic Value in Melanoma and Is Not Useful for Selecting Patients Who Could Benefit From Adjuvant Immunotherapy

    Actas Dermo-Sifiliograficas

  15. Smartwatch protective cover´s glue: A new non-occupational acrylate allergy

    Contact Dermatitis

  16. Systemic photosensitivity due to pregabalin

    Photodermatology Photoimmunology and Photomedicine

  17. The value of case reports in pharmacovigilance

    British Journal of Dermatology

  18. Trasplantado renal con sarcoma de kaposi en el pie izquierdo

    Archivos Espanoles de Urologia

  19. Treatment of nail lichen planus with localized bath-PUVA

    Photodermatology Photoimmunology and Photomedicine

  20. ‘Vesicular eruption in COVID-19 – to exclude varicella’: reply from the authors

    British Journal of Dermatology