Centro de investigación
Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de A Coruña (INIBIC)
Achegas congreso (17) Publicacións nas que participase algún/ha investigador/a
Catégorie de Lusternik-Schnirelmann et genre des H0-espaces
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
Coexistence of two phases in the material of nominal composition Pr 0.6Ba0.4CoO 3-δ
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
Elicited non-anti-αGAL antibodies may cause acute humoral rejection of hDAF pig organs transplanted in baboons
Transplantation Proceedings
Hypotension, acidosis and vasodilation syndrome after heart transplant: Incidence, risk factors, and prognosis
Transplantation Proceedings
Ionic transport vs morphology for Al-doped Li-Ni-Co-O nano-structured compounds
Proceedings - Electrochemical Society
Long-term results of cardiac transplantation
Journal of Cardiac Surgery
Magnetic and electronic properties of lithium cobalt oxide substituted by nickel
Solid State Ionics
Mallas activas topológicas
CEIG 2003: XIII Congreso Español de Informática Gráfica, Universidade da Coruña, A Coruña 2, 3 y 4 de julio de 2003
Medulio: Development Environment to Create Content-Based Image Retrieval Systems
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing, Pattern Reconition, and Applications
Monitoring cytotoxicity against pig cells after transplantation using two-color fluorescence viability assay
Transplantation Proceedings
Neither acute rejection nor immunosuppressant drug therapy (cyclosporine or tacrolimus) correlates with expression of either CD40 or CD154 on peripheral blood cells among human cardiac transplant patients
Transplantation Proceedings
Optimal cable arrangement in cable stayed bridges based in sensitivity analysis of aeroelastic behaviour
Proceedings of the Structures Congress and Exposition
Porcine endothelial cell activation in hDAF pig hearts transplanted in baboons with prolonged survival and lack of rejection
Transplantation Proceedings
Praxeología motriz y educación física: una unidad didáctica de juegos tradicionales en secundaria obligatoria
La educación física en Europa y la calidad didáctica en las actividades físico-deportivas: libro de actas
Renal dysfunction after orthotopic heart transplantation: Incidence, natural history, and risk factors
Transplantation Proceedings
Rules and generalization capacity extraction from ANN with GP
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Tacrolimus in heart transplantation
Transplantation Proceedings