Cardiopericardial and systemic inflammatory response in patients undergoing cardiac surgery

  1. Mohammad El Diasty, Mohammad
Supervised by:
  1. Ángel Luis Fernández González Director
  2. José Benito García-Bengoechea González-Moro Director

Defence university: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Fecha de defensa: 20 February 2009

  1. Joaquín Potel Lesquereux Chair
  2. Alberto Juffé Stein Secretary
  3. David Paul Taggart Committee member
  4. Juan Pedro Lara Torrano Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 209361 DIALNET


The inflammatory response to cardiac surgery is partially responsible of many postoperative complications like the systemic inflammatory response syndrome and the respiratory distress syndrome. The pathophysiology of the inflammatory response was widely studied and many inflammatory mediators have been detected. However, most of the studies focused on the systemic component of the inflammatory response without adequately considering the local cardiopericardiac reaction. The pericardium and edpicardiac adipose tissue can actively synthesize and secrete various mediators. It is highly possible that there is a correlation but the local and systemic types of inflammatory response. The aim of this study isto study and quantify the local cardiopericardiac component of the inflammatory response that follows cardiac surgery.