Guía clínica de diagnóstico y tratamiento urgente de hiperamonemia neonatal

  1. Couce Pico, María Luz
  2. Bustos Lozano, Gerardo
  3. García-Alix Pérez, Alfredo
  4. Lázaro, A.
  5. Martínez-Pardo Casanova, Mercedes
  6. Molina, A.
  7. Sáenz de Pipaón Marcos, Miguel
  8. Serrano, M.
  9. Sanjurjo Crespo, Pablo Gabriel
Anales de Pediatría: Publicación Oficial de la Asociación Española de Pediatría ( AEP )

ISSN: 1695-4033 1696-4608

Year of publication: 2009

Volume: 70

Issue: 2

Pages: 183-188

Type: Article


More publications in: Anales de Pediatría: Publicación Oficial de la Asociación Española de Pediatría ( AEP )


Symptomatic hyperammonaemia in newborn is a medical emergency that should be recognised in its early stages, specifically diagnosed and aggressively treated to improve the immediate and long-term prognosis of these children. The paediatrician and the neonatal doctor should have a diagnosis-therapy scheme for its urgent management.