Estudio epidemiológico de las disfunciones del tracto urinario inferior en la población pediátrica gallega y su relación con los hábitos de aprendizaje miccional

  1. Somoza Argibay, I.
Supervised by:
  1. Roberto Méndez Gallart Director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 28 March 2019

  1. Andrés Gómez Fraile Chair
  2. Manuel Adolfo Gómez Tellado Secretary
  3. Margarita Montero Sánchez Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 584243 DIALNET lock_openRUC editor


Recently, many papers report an increase of pediatric bowel and bladder dysfunction. This dysfunction includes abnormal micturition patterns, usually with lower urinary tract symptoms as urinary incontinence, urgency or urinary tract infection and with bowel symptoms as faecal incontinence. Recent life style and dietary changes has been postulated as the cause of that high prevalence. There is a lack in epidemiological investigations about bowel and bladder dysfunctions and the risk factors. Incontinence is a stressful event, and lead to low selfsteem with social an psychological problems in children. We aim to know the bowel and bladder dysfunction prevalence, and to know the risk factors that will let to know the necessary changes to decrease it. We carry out an observational and transversal investigation with a representative sample of our pediatric 3-­9 years old schooled population. We use a questionnaire about toilet training habits, social, familiar, and dietary data. Also, we use the PLUTSS questionnaire after validation of the spanish version. This study showed a high prevalence of bladder and bowel dysfunction in our pediatric population. Male gender, voiding posposition, early schooling or constipation are the main risk factors. The knowledge of the bladder and bowel dysfunction prevalence and the toilet training habits in our Community lets us to conclude school, family and primary care recommendations. This will let to prevent this so much prevalent disease.