Prevalencia de lesiones por presión y otras lesiones cutáneas relacionadas con la dependencia en población adulta en hospitales españolesresultados del 5º Estudio Nacional de 2017
- Pedro L. Pancorbo-Hidalgo 1
- Francisco P. García-Fernández 1
- Cristina Pérez-López 1
- J. Javier Soldevilla Agreda 2
Universidad de Jaén
Universidad de La Rioja
ISSN: 1134-928X
Year of publication: 2019
Volume: 30
Issue: 2
Pages: 76-86
Type: Article
More publications in: Gerokomos: Revista de la Sociedad Española de Enfermería Geriátrica y Gerontológica
ABSTRACT Aims: To obtain updated epidemiological indicators for pressure injuries (PI) and other dependence-related skin lesions (DRSL) at adult hospitalization units of Spanish hospitals, both global and adjusted. To analyse both the demographic and clinical characteristics of people with DRSL and the characteristics of the lesions. Methods: Observational, cross-sectional study, as an epidemiological survey (5th National Prevalence Study), focused to all the hospitals in Spain. Data were collected by an on-line secure form. Variables: characteristics of the hospitals and the units, number of patients admitted, number of patients with each type of DRSL, lesions classification, size and time. The crude prevalence was calculated, both overall and adjusted by hospitals and units. Results: In this study have participated 554 units from 70 Spanish hospitals. Overall, the prevalence for DRSL of any kind, was 8,7%. By type of lesion, the prevalence was: pressure injuries (PI), 7,0%; moisture associated lesions, 1,4%; friction, 0,9%; combined lesions, 1,5%; and skin tears, 0,9%. For PI, the units with highest prevalence were: palliative care (16,7%), intensive care (14,9%) and post-surgery and reanimation units (14,0%). Most of the lesions were nosocomial (e.g. 72,2% of the PI), that is, produced at hospitals or nursing homes. This study has shown a high variability in the figures of prevalence of DRSL and PI, both at hospitals and units levels. Conclusions: The prevalence of PI is similar to that of previous studies at Spanish hospitals. This is the first time that the prevalence of other types of DRSL has been calculated. Since most of the dependence-related skin lesions were produced inside the hospitals and other facilities, such nursing homes, there is a need to improve the prevention of these lesions in these settings.
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