Porous nanosystems for biological applications

  1. Navarro Poupard, María Fernanda
Supervised by:
  1. Pablo Taboada Antelo Director
  2. Pablo Alfonso del Pino González de la Higuera Director

Defence university: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Fecha de defensa: 08 February 2021

  1. Daniel Ruiz Molina Chair
  2. Silvia Barbosa Fernández Secretary
  3. Manuel Bañobre López Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 651314 DIALNET lock_openTESEO editor


The present thesis aims to provide suitable information on the fundamentals about the controlled manipulation and targeted application of nanoscale porous materials. The research interests in this work are focused on the controlled colloidal synthesis and functionalization of two specific porous materials based on porous coordination polymers (PCPs) and calcium carbonate polymeric nanoparticles (CCPNs), as nanocarriers for intended biological and catalytic applications