Actitud ante las malformaciones congénitas pulmonares

  1. A. Sánchez Castro
  2. A.M. Fernández Rey
  3. Silvia Dosil Gallardo
  4. M. Liñares
  5. María José Fernández Seara
  6. Manuel Macía Cortiñas
  7. José María Fraga Bermúdez
  8. María Luz Couce Pico
Acta pediátrica española

ISSN: 0001-6640

Ano de publicación: 2013

Volume: 71

Número: 8

Páxinas: 224-232

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Acta pediátrica española

Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable


Introduction: Congenital lung malformations are rare and generally have an asymptomatic development in the neonatal period. The detection of this condition is done by antenatal studies and it is later confirmed at birth with imaging tests. Although an expectant attitude towards asymptomatic patients may be adopted, the recommendation is to perform a surgical resection programmed between 3-6 months of life, given the serious complications these patients can suffer. Clinical cases: This study presents 4 cases of congenital lung malformations –detected antenatally in our center in the last 6 years– focusing on their diagnosis, characteristics and further development. Results: All four cases were unilateral malformations detected antenatally by the second quarter ultrasound, of which three were also detected by nuclear magnetic resonance. One of them was a hybrid lesion (congenital malformation of the lung-pulmonary sequestration) associated with an intralobar sequestration in the contralateral lung. Only one of the cases presented respiratory distress at birth, the others being asymptomatic. The chest-X-ray and axial tomography (CT) done postnatally confirmed the diagnosis in three of the patients; the fourth patient was diagnosed after a CT showed bronchial atresia, despite having a normal chest-X-ray. Lobectomy was performed on the patient with neonatal distress and the patient with the hybrid lesion, who had had a pulmonary infection at 3 months of life. Conclusions: This study provides 4 cases of exceptional observation. Congenital lung malformation is a potentially serious pathology, so it is important for all pediatricians to know about it. Thus, a multidisciplinary involvement is needed so as to unify criteria in order to provide patients with the best specialised care.