Influencia de una intervención educativa para fomentar hábitos de vida saludablesestudio multicéntrico

Dirixida por:
  1. María José Aguilar Cordero Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 13 de setembro de 2017

  1. Manuel Amezcua Martínez Presidente/a
  2. Antonio Muñoz Hoyos Secretario/a
  3. Ascensión Marcos Sánchez Vogal
  4. Alfonso Clemente Gimeno Vogal
  5. Norma Mur Villar Vogal

Tipo: Tese


Introduction. The healthy lifestyle habits are essential in the prevention of diseases. School age is the most conducive stage to promote the acquisition of habits that can have a very positive impact in adulthood. Objectives: To assess the influence of an educational intervention in school aimed to incorporate healthy lifestyle habits. Material and methods: a design was used quasi-experimental with a single group, with measurements (just prior to the implementation of the proposal) pretest, posttest to establish comparisons. We estimated the proportion of overweight (obesity overweight) by calculating the index of body mass (IMC) by the formula weight (kg) / size in m2 and using as a reference the standards of who is carried out an educational intervention in 3 schools public Gallegos, in which a study of life habits in children 6 to 12 years both inclusive. An educational intervention that used as a starting point the current state of life habits in school children and was implemented by viewing videos, educational talks, role-playing games was subsequently designed. Last 7 months those habits were evaluated again. Results. In total participated in the study 479 school and 221 258 children. The average age of the children was 8.66 (±1, 49) years. Most of the students, a 93.3%, they had a brother and only 4.2% had two brothers, residing most regularly with the two parents, followed by parents and grandparents. In terms of the level of education of parents, most of the students had parents with studies of baccalaureate (31.9%) or higher (22.1%). In relation to the occupation of the parents, at 71.4% (342 children) worked both parents, and at 135 families only worked the father (28.2%). Overall, 72% of children had BMI values normal, presenting a 24.2% of the population an excess of weight. According to sex there were no differences in the values of BMI (p = 0, 226), according to different categories, 3.9 per cent of girls were classified as under weight, 74.8% as normal weight, 16.3% as overweight and 5% as obesity, in relation to men who obtained 4.1% values, 68.3%, 21.3% and 6.3% respectively. Only statistically significant differences in the type of chosen at the time of the snack food. The girls claimed to eat mostly fruit juices with sandwiches (29.5%) and milk more sweets (29.5%) while that children preferred juices more snacks (34.4%). Only 1.6 per cent of girls consumed fruits compared to 6.8% of children (p = 0, 040). Among the findings, once the evaluation of the results before and after the educational intervention, was observed that underweight remained equal in boys and girls, while the number of boys and girls with normal weight increased significantly, reducing overweight and obesity in both sexes. Students who presented a significant improvement were the area urban, both the coast and the interior, which not to be understood as a negative result of intervention in the rural students, since the latter were those who had lower obesity rate. In this research we studied the variable consumption of food and related to BMI. The results obtained after intervention highlight favorable changes in consumption of food from schoolchildren and a direct relationship with the values of BMI. The first noticeable change is in the fulfillment of the five meals, where on the basis of 8% not performing it this figure was reduced to 0.6%. After educational intervention improved the hygiene behaviour of students in a significant way (p< 0,001 in all cases). Teeth brushing was the habit with the worst compliance (pre intervention post intervention 73% and 57%) followed by washing of manos(62,2% pre intervención y 92,5% post intervención). In terms of physical exercise, there was a statistically significant increase (p< 0,001), of the 207(43,2%) students who performed exercise pre-intervención claimed to be physically active post intervention a total of 471(98,3%) children. In addition, the number means hours devoted to activities also increased almost in an hour, going to be 4, 17 (0,937) hours / week. There was also a slight decrease in the daily hours spent watching television (p< 0,001) falling to 2.29 (0,531) hours per day. Came a significant change regarding the postural hygiene (p< 0,001) and transport of the material (p<0,001). Backpacks with truck increased after the educational intervention through its use of a 58.5% to 64.1%. The number means hours of sleep increased significantly (p< 0,001), 36.3% still did not reach the recommended 8 hours, and un17, 5% slept more than 9 hours a day lying down 100% of the students before the 10 p.m. Conclusions: The literature review done before this thesis project showed that educational interventions to promote healthy lifestyle habits in school age are effective. In our study the results obtained after the intervention show that the habits of school children improved significantly. This research reinforces the role of the school as a strategic sector to improve the health-related behaviors. Programs that are implemented in this type of facility are wide-ranging and holistic teaching centre relating to agencies and sectors responsible for health.