Uso y abuso del móvil en adolescentes y su relación con la ansiedad y el insomnio

  1. Carla Alonso Bernárdez 1
  2. Miriam Vázquez Campo 1
  3. Yolanda Maroño Souto 1
  4. Yago Mouriño López 1
  1. 1 Área Sanitariade Ourense, Verín e o Barco de Valdeorras(España)
Presencia: Salud mental, investigación y humanidades

ISSN: 1885-0219

Year of publication: 2021

Issue: 17

Type: Article

More publications in: Presencia: Salud mental, investigación y humanidades


Objective. To study whether there is a relationship between mobile phone use and anxiety and insomnia among high school students. Methods. Descriptive cross-sectional study in students with their own mobile phone of Eduardo Blanco Secondary Education In stitute ( Our en se) . T he variables collected were: mobile phone use (MPPUSA questionnaire); anxiety level (BAI test) and insomnia level (Athens Scale). This study met all applicable ethical and legal requirements. The data were analyzed with the SPSS 22.0 and the level of significance was conside re d fo r va l-ues of p <0.05. Results: 461 students participated. 94% of the participants make regular useof the mobile phone, while 2.6% make a problemat-icuse. Students who make more use of mobile phones have higher levels of anxiety and insomnia (p <0.05). Women have more mobilep h o n e use, and higher levels of anxiety and insomnia than men (p <0.005).Conclusions. The use of mobile phones may be related topatterns of anxi-ety and insomnia in the adolescent population, so special attention should be paid to this dangerous association, with ed u catio na l a n d h e a lth strategies aimed at its prevention being necessary.

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