Sobrevivir a la inestabilidad laboral

  1. Rodríguez Feijóo, Ana Belén
Archivos de la Memoria

ISSN: 1699-602X

Year of publication: 2012

Issue: 9

Type: Article

More publications in: Archivos de la Memoria


Surviving job instability, it reflects what is probably the labour situation of many of our nursing diplomats. Professionals who live constant in the tightrope of the life, longing first of all for a work with a few conditions that it allows them to assure a few periodic income, a personal growth and professional positive and all this supporting his health, dealing as such the complete physical, psychic and social welfare state. This situation generates a level of stress that in major or minor measure is going to affect the person and his environment. Of hand of the qualitative methodology, one presents a biographical statement, although it centres in a particular case in a concrete context, the events that happened to our informant, Maria, ended in a series of situations that can be similar to other experiences lived by the present nursing; Her case is about an unsteady job, because of his especial characteristics, takes an important physical and psychological stress, besides that some familiar and social needs are present and they make even more difficult to have a job.