Mi primer contrato como enfermera

  1. Cortés Rey, Noemí
Archivos de la Memoria

ISSN: 1699-602X

Year of publication: 2013

Issue: 10

Type: Article

More publications in: Archivos de la Memoria


Abstract (Working as a nurse for the first time) The present work is a sobering clinical narrative for all healthcare professionals, but especially for those serving in Intensive Care Units. Sometimes, due to the high specialization and the technology used in these departments, the staff forget the human side of health assistance. Healthcare professionals often show a certain paternalism, believing that we are the only ones who know what our patients need. For several decades, scientific evidence points out to the benefits of opening the doors to the families of people admitted to Intensive Care, and ask them for collaboration in caring their loved ones. However, many Spanish intensive care units continue limiting visits 1-2h per day. Why do we continue to work with these obsolete rules?