Parto en casa versus parto hospitalario

  1. Eduardo Martínez Martín
  2. Manrique Tejedor, Javier
  3. García Rebollo, Miguel Ángel
  4. Martínez Galán, Paloma
  5. Macarro Ruiz, Dolores
  6. Figuerol Calderó, Mª Immaculada
Metas de enfermería

ISSN: 1138-7262

Ano de publicación: 2016

Volume: 19

Número: 6

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Metas de enfermería


Objective: to analyze the current trends regarding home birth, as well as to examine the current scientific evidence regarding the advantages of home birth versus hospital birth. Method: a narrative review was conducted, through a search in the following databases: Pubmed, Medline, Uptodate, Scielo, Cuide, Cochrane plus and Academic Google. In order to refine the search, English and Spanish were established as language limits, as well as publication date between 2000 and 2015. Results: a total of 31 documents were selected from the bibliographic search. The selected bibliography included: systematic reviews of randomized controlled clinical trials, randomized clinical trials, observational studies of cohorts and of cases and controls, bibliographic reviews, and a document prepared by the Spanish Federation of Associations of Midwives. These studies show that the safety of home birth is similar to that of hospital birth; no significant differences have been found regarding morbimortality in newborns or mothers. Assisted birth at home requires the lower number of interventions for women, and therefore, its cost is lower. Experts describe that a safe home birth requires assistance by qualified midwives, who must offer truthful scientific information to women, so that they can make their own decision. Conclusions: there is evidence, with currently available studies, of no increase in mother or newborn morbimortality in home birth, as long as there is a low-risk pregnancy, and it is assisted by qualified midwives. It is necessary to conduct randomized and controlled clinical trials in order to study the matter with further detai

Referencias bibliográficas

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