Evaluación del desarrollo y cuidado individualizado del RN (NIDCAP)

  1. Eduardo Martínez Martín
  2. Dolores Macarro Ruiz
  3. Javier Manrique Tejedor
  4. Mª Inmaculada Figuerol Caldero
  5. Susana Martínez Martín
Metas de enfermería

ISSN: 1138-7262

Year of publication: 2017

Volume: 20

Issue: 5

Pages: 7

Type: Article

DOI: 10.35667/METASENF.2019.20.1003081092 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR

More publications in: Metas de enfermería

Sustainable development goals


Objective: to show the scientific evidence on the outcomes of the implementation of the Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program (NIDCAP) and its potential clinical benefits for pre-term newborns. Method: a literature review was conducted, through an advanced search in PubMed, Cuiden, Scielo and the Cochrane Plus Library, Academic Google and UpToDate. Said search was limited to English and Spanish. The search period included the years from 2004 to 2016. Results: eighteen (18) documents were selected of the 218 documents found. NIDCAP has the potential to improve mental and clinical psychomotor development. Compared with the medical staff, nurses had a more positive attitude, higher behavioural control, and a perception of a higher positive impact of NIDCAP in the NICU setting. The design and method deficiencies in the studies reviewed represent a barrier for long-term demands on the method efficacy. The scientific basis of NIDCAP effects would be significantly improved with comprehensive studies of prolonged follow-up. Conclusions: despite the hopeful outcomes on motor and cognitive development, and its humanization values, there is limited scientific evidence about NIDCAP effects, because it has not been demonstrated to offer significant clinical improvements in pre-term babies. The assessment of this comprehensive and high-complexity intervention is burdened by a series of methodological problems. The main weaknesses of the studies consist in their short-term follow-up and methodological deficiencies; therefore, long-term studies are required, with a design focused on specific objectives.

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