Cartas a una madre(Temas de Puericultura)

  1. Ana Belén Rodríguez Feijóo 1
  1. 1 Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de Ourense (Ourense, España)
Temperamentvm: Revista internacional de historia y pensamiento enfermero

ISSN: 1699-6011

Year of publication: 2013

Volume: 9

Issue: 17

Type: Article

More publications in: Temperamentvm: Revista internacional de historia y pensamiento enfermero


Letters to a mother (topics of childcare), it's the title of a book printed in the graphical workshops of the Celta publishing house of Lugo (Spain) in 1954. The article treats of the description of a work that it gathers the educations or advices directed the mothers of middle of the 20th Century, with the intention of indoctrinating then in baby of his babies. It's the reflection of the reigning ideology at the time, which was considering the woman-mother to be an indirect reason of the infant mortality, before the ignorance and incompetence that was assuming them. Written by Jesús Rodríguez Pedreira, a doctor-puericultor lucense, that it stood out for his preventive labor of the infant mortality and for the defense of the rights of the child. Initially these advices were published for Rodríguez Pedreira in a section that the diary El Progreso of Lugo was dedicating to the women. Later were compiled in our book in question. The contents are grouped in three big subject matters: infantile hygiene, education and social assistance. Inside the infantile hygiene they treat each other between others, topics as the technology of the mother lactation or the garment of the small child. Inside the paragraph of education, they are examples: the soul of the child or the infant school. The prevention of the perversity or the rights of the child, they form close to other topics, the group of the social assistance. Definitively, it constitutes a spreading of taken care basic of the child, there being contemplated a holistic dimension, which shows presence on having treated not only the physical car, if not also psychological and social (always bearing in mind the historical and social present moment

Bibliographic References

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