El modelo premoderno de relación médico-paciente

  1. Fernández Álvarez, Roberto
Folia Humanística

ISSN: 2462-2753

Ano de publicación: 2021

Título do exemplar: FOLIA HUMANÍSTICA

Volume: 2

Número: 4

Páxinas: 22-49

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.30860/0073 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso aberto editor

Outras publicacións en: Folia Humanística


The healer-sick relationship is a helping relationship conditioned by the principle of reciprocity: both, donor and recipient, obtain some benefit that must satisfy the expectations of both for the interaction to be successful. The patient's expectations are made up of a main goal (the recovery of health and the annulment of the suffering) and a series of secondary objectives. For many centuries, the healer was unable to fulfill that main objective, due to lack of effective remedies, but this did not impair the success of the interaction, because the relationship model (which we will call premodern) had strategies to create an appearance of efficacy and to respond to the secondary expectations of the patient and the community. We describe some of these intervention strategies, in addition to the (meager) efficacy: authority, cordiality, magical and picaresque intervention. These are complemented by the patient's attitudes, generating a kind of relationship binomials, which are kept in balance to achieve success: ineffectiveness / resignation, authority / submission, cordiality / gratitude, magic / credulity, picaresque / naivety . These variables take different values ​​depending on the historical stage, social class, culture, gender, etc., but they are always combined with the objective of maintaining the success of the relationship, which translates into benefit for the healer and patient satisfaction.

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