Evaluación del nivel de acceso a nuevas tecnologías y conocimiento del riesgo cardiovascular en pacientes cardiópatas hospitalizados

  1. Javier Nogueira Pereira 1
  2. Eva Tizón Bouza 2
  3. Emiliano Fernández-Obanza Windscheid 3
  4. Raquel Marzoa Rivas 4
  1. 1 Graduado en Enfermería. Complejo hospitalario Universitario de Santiago. Sergas. Santiago de Compostela. A Coruña
  2. 2 Doctora en Enfermería. Complejo hospitalario Universitario de Ferrol. A Coruña
  3. 3 Médico especialista en Cardiología y en Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria. Complejo hospitalario Universitario de Ferrol. A Coruña
  4. 4 Doctora en Medicina. Médica especialista en Cardiología. Complejo hospitalario Universitario de Ferrol. A Coruña
Metas de enfermería

ISSN: 1138-7262

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 24

Issue: 8

Pages: 63-68

Type: Article

DOI: 10.35667/METASENF.2021.24.1003081810 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR

More publications in: Metas de enfermería

Sustainable development goals


Objective: to determine the level of access to internet among patients with cardiac conditions hospitalized at the Ferrol Area, Galicia (Spain), and to state their level of self-knowledge of cardiovascular risk (CVR) based on their estimated real cardiovascular risk. Secondary endpoints: To assess those factors related to a higher use of web resources, and to analyze those factors associated with a better knowledge of their CVR. Methods: a cross-sectional descriptive study with patients admitted to the Cardiology Unit in one month (n= 106). Sociodemographic variables were collected, as well as frequency of internet access and CVR factors. The real CVR was calculated, and compared with their self-perceived risk. Descriptive analysis was conducted, and the Chi Square test or Fisher’s Exact Test was used to analyze the association between different variables and their level of access to internet. Results: the age of the 89 patients included was 64.6 (SD:12.3) years, 76.4% were male, with basic education (58.4%) and married (75.3%). Out of these, 40.6% stated that they never accessed internet, 18% did it occasionally, 11.2% frequently, and 30.3% did it every day. The use of web resources was significantly higher in younger patients and those with higher education. Only 19.1% calculated their CVR correctly, and no factor was found to determine a higher knowledge of CVR. Conclusion: health Education is necessary and must be improved; however, the use of web resources cannot be considered currently the only tool in this health area.

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