Satisfacción de los pacientes de la consulta de marcapasos del complejo hospitalario universitario de Ferrol

  1. Emiliano Patricio Fernández-Obanza Windscheid 1
  2. Eva Tizón-Bouza 1
  3. María Raquel Rey Rodríguez 1
  4. Raquel Marzoa Rivas 1
  1. 1 Hospital Arquitecto Marcide. Galicia. España
Tesela: Revista de la Asociación Nacional de Directivos de Enfermería

ISSN: 1887-2255

Year of publication: 2021

Issue: 29

Type: Article

More publications in: Tesela: Revista de la Asociación Nacional de Directivos de Enfermería


Objective: To evaluate patient satisfaction with the activities carried out by medical and nursing staff in the pacemaker consult in the hospital of Ferrol. Methods: Observational, cross-sectional descriptive study, with patients hospitalized or attending outpatient clinics after pacemaker implantation, by Cardiology. An ad hoc data notebook was designed with sociodemographic characteristics, objective and subjective quality dimensions, global satisfaction table with adaptation of the SERVQUAL 1- SERVQHOS questionnaire and suggestions for improvement. A bivariate and inferential analysis were carried out by calculating frequencies, percentages and measures of dispersion. The level of significance sought was p < 0.05. Results: The mean age was 78.45 years, 52.7% were women, 51% had primary education and 45% had a pacemaker implanted for more than 5 years. According to the objective quality of the SERVQHOS questionnaire, the most highly rated items were the friendliness of the staff, their appearance and personalized treatment. 92.4% gave the best score for overall satisfaction. Statistically significant differences were achieved on the care in the consultation with respect to the understanding of the needs of the patients (p = 0.031) and the level of studies with respect to their opinion on the preparation of the staff (p = 0.027). Con-clusions: We must take into account patient satisfaction, improve communication with them and their families and provide the necessary information to improve their quality of life.

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