Características del anciano en el momento del ingreso en residencias geriátricas

  1. Mª José Blanco Cendón 1
  2. Cristina Doval González 2
  3. Isabel López Vázquez. 2
  4. Vanessa Andrade Pereira 2
  5. Gabriel J. Díaz Grávalos 3
  1. 1 Complexo Hospitalario de Ourense
  2. 2 Fundación San Rosendo Ourense
  3. 3 Centro de Salud Cea. SERGAS. Ourense.
Ágora de enfermería

ISSN: 1575-7668

Year of publication: 2016

Volume: 20

Issue: 3

Pages: 122-126

Type: Article

More publications in: Ágora de enfermería


Aim: To find the characteristics of people who enter nursing homes in our country based on membership in a defined age group. Method: A cross-sectional study in five nursing homes was carried out. It was determined, based on the time of admission: age, sex, results of Barthel and Pfeiffer tests, social support, multimorbidity measured by the Cumulative Illness Rating Scale (CIRS), origin and referred cause of institutionalization. Entry age was segmented into under 80 years and 80 years and over. Results: 276 cases were included. The mean age was 76.8 (SD 9.9) years, with 40.2% of 80 years or more. 50.7% came from his home. Leading cause of nursing home admission was self-care disability who lived alone (35.5%). The values obtained were: Barthel 64.5 (33.6); Pfeiffer 4.3 (3.5); Social support 1.8 (1.0); CIRS 6.7 (3.2). There was negative association between age and Barthel index (Rho Spearman -0.2; p =0.001), being significantly lower rate in the older group (mean difference 11.3; p <0.01). No significant differences were demonstrated in the rest of scales depending on the age group. Conclusions: The differences between the age groups established to income are summarized in a greater degree of functional disability, demonstrating no differences in terms of the psychological situation, social support or multimorbidity.