Manejo de los inhaladores y adhesión al tratamiento en pacientes del Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de A Coruña

  1. Barros Mosquera, B. 1
  2. Miguélez Vázquez, B. 1
  3. Souto Santamarín, M. 1
  4. Lodeiro Dans, L. 1
  5. Sánchez Muñoz, Y. 1
  1. 1 Complexo Hospitalario Universitario da Coruña

    Complexo Hospitalario Universitario da Coruña

    La Coruña, España


Cadernos de atención primaria

ISSN: 1134-3583

Year of publication: 2017

Volume: 23

Issue: 1

Pages: 20-28

Type: Article

More publications in: Cadernos de atención primaria


Goals: Main: Know the percentage of patients with incorrect inhalation technique and analyze the most frequent errors. Secondary: To determine the variables that may influence the incorrect performance of the inhalation technique. To evaluate adherence to the treatment using the Inhaler Adherence Test. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A cross-sectional, observational study was designed, with 104 patients being treated with inhalers, hospitalized and cited in functional tests of the University Hospital of A Coruña. An individual survey including the Inhaler Adhesion Test (TAI) was conducted and a practical demonstration of inhaler management was requested, without prior theoretical instruction in the technique. Results: Of the 104 patients, 61.5% made some critical error in the inhalation technique. Of the patients with error, 20.3% were younger than 64 years and 79.7% were 65 years or older. Most of them had received education Management of inhalers; Only 17.5% were given by nursing. Regarding compliance and adherence to treatment, the results show that according to the 10-item test, 48.1% of the patients had a good adherence to the treatment, and according to the 12-item test, 80.8% presented a noncompliance kind. Conclusions: The study shows that there is a high percentage of patients with errors in the technique of inhalation despite having received health education. They show interest in learning, but it is not enough. Therefore we must Intensify health education.