Actuación de la enfermera gestora en el proceso integrado del cáncer de pulmón

  1. Inés Rivas Fernández. 1
  1. 1 Hospital Universitario Lucus Augusti de Lugo.
Ágora de enfermería

ISSN: 1575-7668

Ano de publicación: 2019

Volume: 23

Número: 4

Páxinas: 156-163

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Ágora de enfermería


Lung cancer represents in our country the more important tumor cause of death in men and the second in women, with a poor survival and without screening programs available for the population. Process management models are useful tools to lead the total management and provide mechanisms for proper process planning. The integrated cancer cares process consists of coordinated activities, provided to any person in the phase of prevention cancer, diagnostic, treatment and monitoring, doing in the results a measurable modification. The objective of the work of the managing nurse of processes is to do coordinated and fluent consultation, diagnostic, functional tests and results; as well as to establish a perfect communication with patients and family, guaranteeing the standards of quality and safety of the processes and minimizing the costs of non-quality. Objectives: Analyze the impact of the actions of the managing nurse of the fast track of lung cancer at the Lucus Augusti Hospital in Lugo. Method: Analysis of all patients sent to the fast track consultation with suspicion of lung cancer of Lucus Augusti Hospital in Lugo, between the 1st of January in 2018 to the 31st of December in 2018, through the intervention of the managing nurse. A descriptive analysis of the variables under study was carried out. Results: 178 people were attended under suspicion of lung cancer, 133 were men, with an average of 68,5 years, a 50% of them living in Lugo. Most of them did proofs of image and biopsies, a 38,6 % of the patients were sent to the Oncology Department; a 65,9% of the patients come from the hospital, except Urgencies. The delay in the first consultation in Pneumology is three days or less for half of the population with slight differences of delays depending on the professional that requires the patient. The most managed tests were of image and biopsies. Conclusion:The managing nurse attended the people who come with suspected lung cancer, with citation, management and accompaniment during the process, ensuring a fast and safe care itinerary.