Miopexia retroecuatorial del músculo oblicuo inferior: un debilitamiento alternativo

  1. G. García de Oteyza 2
  2. M. Iglesias 1
  3. J. García de Oteyza 2
  1. 1 Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de Ourense

    Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de Ourense

    Orense, España

    ROR https://ror.org/04f1y4a64

  2. 2 Clínica Oftalmológica García de Oteyza, Barcelona, España
Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmologia

ISSN: 0365-6691

Ano de publicación: 2020

Volume: 95

Número: 8

Páxinas: 367-372

Tipo: Artigo


Outras publicacións en: Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmologia

Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable


Purpose To describe an alternative surgical approach to treat inferior oblique overaction, and report the first results of this technique. Materials and methods A total of 6 consecutive eyes of 6 patients with primary or secondary inferior oblique overaction underwent inferior oblique retro-equatorial myopexy under general anaesthesia. The primary outcomes measured were the postoperative vertical deviation in the field of action of the inferior oblique muscle, and the intra- and postoperative surgical complications. Final results were evaluated at six-months after surgery. Results The patient population consisted of 3 girls and 3 boys aged between 4 and 7 years old. The mean preoperative inferior oblique overaction was 34° ± 4.6°, equivalent to 3+. Inferior oblique overaction was reduced in all patients with a mean reduction of 28° ± 1.98°, and the mean postoperative deviation was 6° ± 2.84°. Total success was achieved in four out of six eyes, and only one case remained under-corrected. No intra- or postoperative complications were reported. Conclusion Inferior oblique retro-equatorial myopexy is an alternative surgical approach for inferior oblique overaction. It is an efficient, safe, and reversible technique that could be used in cases of inferior oblique overaction between 2+ to 3+.