Subjetividad, discurso y clínica

  1. Antón Casais 1
  2. Alcira Cibeira 1
  3. Maria Antonia de Miguel 2
  4. Chus Gómez 1
  1. 1 UHRP Hospital de Piñor. Ourense
  2. 2 ELP.Vigo.
Cuadernos de Psiquiatría comunitaria

ISSN: 1578-9594

Year of publication: 2021

Issue Title: Subjetividad, Discurso y Clínica

Volume: 18

Issue: 1

Pages: 7-24

Type: Article

More publications in: Cuadernos de Psiquiatría comunitaria


The clinic and the symptoms of each time are constructs that present changing expressions throughout the different historical periods. It is the form of presentation of the malaise in the culture that Freud had already pointed out. For psychoanalysis, this expressive variety of the human suffering is articulated with the discursive construction of each time, variable, as can be seen in the day-to-day clinic and in the current social collective narrative, from which new symptoms emerge. Thus, there are new family fictions, a fragility of social ties or everything related to sexual and gender identities as well as the new discursive constructions of the body and its marks. These new symptoms coexist with others consolidated in the last century, and which in their day constituted “the novelty” already almost obsolete. In all this construction are inscribed the effects of digital technology, social networks and other issues that governs almost the entire planet. Psychoanalysis proposes that symptoms and subjective positions are responses of the subject within the framework of discourse, understanding as such the order with which each epoch regulates the modalities of possible enjoyment, as well as its distribution among the different subjects, the cohesion of the different individual enjoyments and their effects on social homogenization. Subjectivity, discourse and clinic are three concepts that, from the point of view of psychoanalytic theory, are articulated like a Moebius band, intrinsically intertwined to build the contemporary malaise of each time. This article discusses this joint and its clinical effects.

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