A importancia da confidencialidade en Psicoloxía Aplicada

  1. José Luis Rodríguez-Arias Palomo
Anuario Psicoloxía e Saúde: Revista Oficial da Sección de Psicoloxía e Saúde do COPG

ISSN: 2444-6653

Year of publication: 2019

Issue Title: Segredos

Issue: 12

Pages: 67-78

Type: Article

More publications in: Anuario Psicoloxía e Saúde: Revista Oficial da Sección de Psicoloxía e Saúde do COPG


Confidentiality provides meaning to the professional practice of psychology, whatever its field of application. It is essential for clients to reveal their privacy in a climate of trust. Other professions also ground their practices on confidentiality, but confidentiality is particularly important in psychology, given the special relevance of the intimacy being exposed in a psychology consultation. The arguments for and against maintaining confidentiality are discussed through three frequent cases of psychological work: confidentiality versus personal security, psychological reports, and confidences. Based on some examples, the available options are discussed. Rather than providing definitive solutions, this work offers the reader the opportunity to reflect on the examples to find alternatives and foundations to turn to when faced to similar ethical dilemmas. It is concluded that protecting confidentiality contributes to the prestige of Psychology.

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