Use of pegfilgrastim support on day 9 to maintain relative dose intensity of chemotherapy in breast cancer patients receiving a day 1 and 8 CMF regimen

  1. Casas, A.
  2. Mattioli, R.
  3. Gridelli, C.
  4. Castellanos, J.
  5. Duque, A.
  6. Falcone, A.
  7. Mansutti, M.
  8. Bacon, P.
  9. Lawrinson, S.
  10. Skacel, T.
  11. Belon, J.
  12. Estévez, L.
  13. Mata, J.
  14. Scanni, A.
Clinical and Translational Oncology

ISSN: 1699-048X

Year of publication: 2009

Volume: 11

Issue: 12

Pages: 842-848

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1007/S12094-009-0453-4 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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