El uso de la cachimba entre los adolescentesposibles implicaciones y variables asociadas
- Nuria García-Couceiro 1
- Manuel Isorna 2
- Teresa Braña 1
- Jesús Varela 1
- Manuel Gandoy-Crego 1
- Antonio Rial 1
- 1 Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, España.
- 2 Universidad de Vigo, España.
ISSN: 0214-4840
Ano de publicación: 2023
Volume: 35
Número: 4
Páxinas: 445-454
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Adicciones: Revista de socidrogalcohol
Substance use in waterpipe (generally tobacco or cannabis) constitutes an increasingly popular practice. It has become an emerging public health problem, with serious consequences at both pulmonary and addiction levels. Despite the growing concern it raises, few studies have been carried out in Spain to analyze this new practice from an early age. The aim of this study is to have new data about waterpipe use among adolescents and to analyze its possible implications and related variables. A survey was conducted among secondary school students from the Galician community. A total of 7,613 students aged 12-18 years (M = 14.97; SD = 1.69) participated. The CRAFFT, the AUDIT and the CAST were used to screen the risky use of other substances. The rates of waterpipe tobacco and cannabis use are at worrying levels (19.4% and 8.5%, respectively, for the last year), with significantly higher rates of risky substance use, drunkenness and binge drinking. The low perception risk is striking. Waterpipe use is a widespread practice in adolescence. In addition to serious health implications, is a clear indicator of a problematic underlying consumption. The low perception of risk, the “botellón” or the lack of family control are elements to take into account in community prevention.
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