Análisis histórico-médico de la campaña de Sir John Moore en la Guerra de la Independencia (1808-1809)De la marcha de la muerte a la fiebre española

  1. Javier Fernández Castroagudín 1
  1. 1 Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

    Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

    Santiago de Compostela, España


Revista de historia militar

ISSN: 0482-5748

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 134

Pages: 85-114

Type: Article

DOI: 10.55553/504JNK13403 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Revista de historia militar


The campaign of Sir John Moore’s expeditionary army in the early Peninsular War (1808-1809) is less known that the one commanded by general Arthur Wellesley, the future Lord Wellington. The reasons may be its short duration, the failure to achieve its objectives, and the outcome in form of a retreat in terrible weather and logistic conditions, with an offensive action (Sahagún), some rear-guard skirmishes (Benavente, Cacabelos, Lugo), and a final battle in Corunna on January 16, 1809 in order to protect the embarkation of troops, and where Sir John Moore was mortally wounded. The objective of the present study is analyse the organization of the British military medical services at the beginning of Peninsular War, and their role during the expeditionary force’s retreat, the embarkation in ports of Vigo and Corunna, and the seaborne return to Great Britain. Moreover, the number and causes of evacuated casualties after landing in the English ports will be analysed from a historic and medical point of view, with special attention to identify the diseases correspondent to the diverse clinical cases, the schemes of treatments, and the impact on mortality rates. Medical information during the whole campaign is scarce and fragmented, and is mostly originated in correspondence and written memories of their participants, both doctors and military. Nevertheless, the calamitous conditions in which the Sir John Moore’s army returned from Spain had a considerable impact in both public opinion and medical and military community. This led to a notable healthcare, scientific and administrative activity, in order to offer the best care to the returned troops, and allows to evaluate as primary sources the available records, reports and descriptions made by military medical services of British Army during reception and care of the troops in the English hospitals. The source of this information is the amount of published scientific papers in specialized journals. These provide data about number of casualties, symptoms and signs of diseases that afflicted the soldiers, contagions occurred during stay and attention of sick troops in hospitals, pathological findings in necropsies, and the diverse therapeutic schemes that were applied.

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