Dinamización de Contenidos en el Aula Sobre las Estructuras de Control Python Utilizando Experiencias Innovadoras y Gamificación

  1. Pardo Montero, Juan Pablo 1
  2. Cueva Mendoza, Mónica Mireya 1
  3. Jiménez Torres, Danny Gino 1
  4. Montero Betancourt, Maria del Carmen 2
  1. 1 Instituto Superior Tecnológico Mariano Samaniego
  2. 2 https://orcid.org/0009-0006-3455-2657
Ciencia Latina: Revista Multidisciplinar

ISSN: 2707-2215 2707-2207

Year of publication: 2024

Volume: 8

Issue: 2

Pages: 2106-2116

Type: Article


More publications in: Ciencia Latina: Revista Multidisciplinar


The master's thesis proposes an educational innovation project, applying an active methodology such as gamification for the teaching-learning process in the study of the control structures of the Python programming language, focused at students in the third semester of the specialty of software development of the superior technological institute "Mariano Samaniego" of the city of Cariamanga. The gamified project searchs for students to enter the study of programming, being a subject that for many is difficult; with the implementation of gamification, serious games, the dynamization of content and innovative experiences, it is sought that the study of topics related to the Python language is more tolerable and therefore the learning curve is reached in less time. For the development of the project, seven sessions are proposed, where the narrative is the guiding thread of the project, establishing a set of missions in which the students are the main protagonists, they will apply the knowledge acquired, whether it is taught by the teacher or by research carried out and that will be helpful to finish the project, likewise the use of this methodology helps to understand the issues due to its innovative and contextual nature.

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