Bioconjugation of proteins to nanoparticles for the development of advanced therapies

  1. Abal Sanisidro, Marcelina
Dirixida por:
  1. María de la Fuente Freire Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Ano de defensa: 2024

Tipo: Tese


Proteins are biomacromolecules that catalyze multiple biological processes, being promising therapeutic agents. However, issues such as enzymatic degradation, short half-life and low bioavailability make their use in the clinic inefficient. In this respect, nanotechnology arises as a potent tool to overcome these limitations, offering protection of cargo, increased bioavailability and reduced immunogenicity. Within this frame, the main aim of this thesis is the development of novel protein nanotherapeutics by exploring several bioconjugation strategies, providing evidence of their benefits in cancer therapy and gene editing. Altogether, this thesis sheds light on the potential of a versatile nanoplatform for protein delivery as translational medicines and open the door for further application in advanced therapies.