Engineering smart nano metal-organic frameworks for biomedical applications

  1. Cedrún Morales, Manuela
Dirigida por:
  1. Pablo Alfonso del Pino González de la Higuera Director/a
  2. Pablo Taboada Antelo Director

Universidad de defensa: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Año de defensa: 2024

Tipo: Tesis


This thesis aims to advance nanomedicine by developing nano metal-organic frameworks for enhanced drug delivery. Various systems were synthesized and tailored to investigate their encapsulation abilities and surface modi ications to provide them with targeting capabilities. Additionally, nanocomposites responsive to near-infrared (NIR) light were created, comprising a core of gold nanoparticles and a shell of nano metal-organic frameworks. These intelligent nanocarriers were designed to facilitate intracellular cargo delivery through innovative strategies.