Estudio de prevalencia del control lipídico de los pacientes del área sanitaria de A Coruña y Cee

  1. Suárez-García, Patricia
Supervised by:
  1. Javier de Toro Santos Director
  2. Alfonso Soto González Director

Defence university: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 15 July 2024

  1. María Jesús Núñez Iglesias Chair
  2. Miguel Santiago Alonso Secretary
  3. José Manuel García Almeida Committee member

Type: Thesis


Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the leading causes of mortalityworldwide, accounting for millions of deaths annually (1, 2). Moreover, this pathologycontributes significantly to morbidity, increases the frequency of hospitalizations, andleads to prolonged disability, highlighting the imperative need for its prevention. Thepresent retrospective observational descriptive study focuses on a cohort of 305 patientsover 45 years of age, diagnosed with diabetes mellitus (DM) and classified as highcardiovascular risk (CVR), who have not experienced previous cardiovascular events,belonging to the health area of A Coruña and Cee. The aim of this study was to analyzethe selected sample in detail, identify subgroups particularly susceptible to interventions,evaluate the degree of compliance with the established therapeutic objectives, andexamine the adequacy of statin prescription, all in accordance with the recommendationsof the ESC 2021 guidelines, with the aim of identifying problems and proposing viablesolutions.The methodology employed included, in an initial phase, a descriptive analysis ofLDL and non-HDL cholesterol levels, followed by a comparative phase that examinedvariations in these parameters as a function of gender and age through a general univariatelinear model. Additionally, discrepancies related to statin prescription were assessed. Thefindings reveal that a significant proportion of the population studied does not reach therecommended therapeutic targets, and that the prescription of lipid-lowering agents is farfrom optimal, not reaching all the patients who would benefit from their use.The research has identified several problems in daily clinical practice in primarycare that contribute to these suboptimal outcomes. Based on this diagnosis, intervention strategies aimed at improving primary prevention of CVD in this high-risk population are proposed, emphasizing the importance of adequate and personalized prescription of lipidloweringtreatments, particularly statins, in accordance with current recommendations.This study not only sheds light on existing deficiencies in the management of patientswith high CVR, but also establishes a solid basis for the implementation of correctivemeasures to optimize clinical outcomes and improve patients' quality of life.