Evaluación de resultados del tratamiento con terapias dirigidas en pacientes con Cáncer No Microcítico de Pulmón y alteraciones moleculares potencialmente tratables

  1. García Campelo, María Rosario
Dirixida por:
  1. Javier de Toro Santos Director
  2. Luis Antón Aparicio Co-director

Universidade de defensa: Universidade da Coruña

Fecha de defensa: 29 de outubro de 2024

  1. Delvys Rodríguez Abreu Presidente/a
  2. Silvia Antolín Novoa Secretaria
  3. Luis León Mateos Vogal

Tipo: Tese


INTRODUCTION: Lung cancer (LC) remains the leading cause of cancer death worldwide. Approximately 30% of these tumors are linked to specific geneticmutations that promote cell proliferation and tumor growth. Targeted therapies have transformed the management of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), offering more effective and less toxic alternatives compared to traditional chemotherapy.This progress highlights the importance of identifying molecular alterations,optimizing the use of liquid biopsy and treatments through the integration of newtargeted drugs, and ultimately, facilitating access to this technological and therapeutic innovation in clinical care practice. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The methodological approach is developed along 6objectives, which contain a total of 10 chapters. Chapters I and II analyze the current situation of the determination of molecular alterations in NSCLC as well as the evaluation of the barriers to the implementation of next generation sequencing techniques in our country. Chapters III-IX focus on therapeutic advances for patientswith mutations in the epidermal growth factor (EGFR), anaplastic lymphoma kinase(ALK) and tyrosine-protein kinase (MET) gene, evaluating data on efficacy, qualityof life and the integration of liquid biopsy in the therapeutic management of thesepatients. Finally, chapter X addresses the situation of access to innovation in ourcountry. This analysis was based on participation in several national and international clinical studies. RESULTS: It is imperative to improve the determination of biomarkers in patientswith NSCLC in our country, to ensure that a greater number of patients have accessto targeted therapies. These treatments not only improve survival but also have apositive impact on quality of life. It is crucial to improve access to this innovation in our environment. CONCLUSION: The incorporation of advanced molecular diagnostic techniques andthe use of targeted therapies based on genetic profiling significantly improve clinicaloutcomes in patients with advanced NSCLC. These findings highlight the urgency of continuing to advance precision medicine, not only to apply current treatments, but IXalso to develop new therapeutic strategies that overcome resistance to existing treatments. Multidisciplinary and inter-institutional collaboration is crucial to continue progress in clinical research and the effective implementation of newtherapies in medical practice.