Publicacións nas que colabora con Marcos Gestal Pose (31)
A Novel Protocol Using Captive Portals for FIDO2 Network Authentication †
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), Vol. 14, Núm. 9
Adapting a Captive Portal for Phishing-Resistant Network Authentication Using Security Keys
Actas de las VIII Jornadas Nacionales de Investigación en Ciberseguridad: Vigo, 21 a 23 de junio de 2023
Adapting a Captive Portal for Phishing-Resistant Network Authentication Using Security Keys
2023 JNIC Cybersecurity Conference, JNIC 2023
Predicting Inflow Flow in Hydraulic Dams Using Artificial Neural Networks
VI Congreso XoveTIC: impulsando el talento científico
An Analysis of the Current Implementations Based on the WebAuthn and FIDO Authentication Standards †
Engineering Proceedings, Vol. 7, Núm. 1
Net-net autoML selection of artificial neural network topology for brain connectome prediction
Applied Sciences (Switzerland), Vol. 10, Núm. 4
Improvement of epitope prediction using peptide sequence descriptors and machine learning
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Vol. 20, Núm. 18
Machine learning in biomedical informatics
Encyclopedia of Biomedical Engineering (Elsevier), pp. 389-399
Integrative multi-omics data-driven approach for metastasis prediction in cancer
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
A methodology for the design of experiments in computational intelligence with multiple regression models
PeerJ, Vol. 2016, Núm. 12
La docencia de entornos inmersivos, interactivos y de entretenimiento en el Grado en Ingeniería Informática
Presente y futuro de la docencia universitaria: presente e futuro da docencia universitaria (Educación), pp. 69-74
Texture analysis in gel electrophoresis images using an integrative kernel-based approach
Scientific Reports, Vol. 6
Using genetic algorithms to improve support vector regression in the analysis of atomic spectra of lubricant oils
Engineering Computations (Swansea, Wales), Vol. 33, Núm. 4, pp. 995-1005
Aprendizaje basado en ejemplos: Desarrollo de aplicaciones empresariales con tecnologías .Net
RIDU, Vol. 9, Núm. 1, pp. 77-100
Introduction to the subject automatic learning in the Computer Engineering Degree
Evaluación de la Calidad de la Investigación y de la Educación Superior: libro de resúmenes XI FECIES
Implantación de la materia Aprendizaje automático en el Grado de Ingeniería Informática
Experiencias e innovación docente en el contexto actual de la docencia universitaria (Ourense : Educación editora), pp. 53-57
Markov mean properties for cell death-related protein classification
Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 349, pp. 12-21
A texture-based classification method for proteins in two-dimensional electrophoresis gel images: A feature selection method using Support Vector Machines and Genetic Algorithms
VISAPP 2013 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
High order texture-based analysis in biomedical images
Current Medical Imaging Reviews, Vol. 9, Núm. 4, pp. 309-317
Hybrid model based on genetic algorithms and SVM applied to variable selection within fruit juice classification
The Scientific World Journal, Vol. 2013