Publicacións (105) Publicacións de Leonor Varela Lema


  1. Assessment of exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke in Spain: A scoping review

    Tobacco Induced Diseases, Vol. 22, Núm. October

  2. Assessment of exposure to seconhand smoke in health surveys in Spain

    Gaceta Sanitaria, Vol. 38

  3. Consumo de antibióticos en los primeros meses de vida: un estudio transversal

    Anales de Pediatría: Publicación Oficial de la Asociación Española de Pediatría ( AEP ), Vol. 100, Núm. 3, pp. 164-172

  4. Consumo de cannabis en población adulta en Galicia: Prevalencias y características asociadas

    Adicciones: Revista de socidrogalcohol, Vol. 36, Núm. 3, pp. 257-266

  5. Consumption of hypnosedatives in Spain: characterization and time trends, 2005-2022

    Gaceta Sanitaria, Vol. 38

  6. Discrepancies in the results reported for multiple sclerosis clinical trials: A comparison between and peer-reviewed journals

    Multiple Sclerosis Journal, Vol. 30, Núm. 11-12, pp. 1514-1524

  7. Effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions among pregnant women: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis

    Addictive Behaviors, Vol. 148

  8. Evolution and characteristics of studies estimating attributable mortality to second-hand smoke: a systematic review

    European Journal of Public Health, Vol. 34, Núm. 3, pp. 557-565

  9. Evolution of sedentarism prevalence in Spanish population between 1987 and 2020

    Medicina Clinica, Vol. 162, Núm. 6, pp. 273-279

  10. Evolution of smoking prevalence in Spain and its 17 autonomous regions (1987-2020)

    Medicina Clinica, Vol. 162, Núm. 9, pp. 417-424

  11. Exposure to Second-Hand Tobacco Smoke in Portugal After the Implementation of the Smoking Ban: A Systematic Review

    Acta Medica Portuguesa, Vol. 37, Núm. 11, pp. 767-777

  12. Fragilidad, dependencia y soledad no deseada en personas mayores. Una revisión de planes de salud

    Revista espanola de salud publica, Vol. 98

  13. Genome Wide Association Studies in Small-Cell Lung Cancer. A Systematic Review

    Clinical Lung Cancer, Vol. 25, Núm. 1, pp. 9-17

  14. Impact of the use of small-area models on estimation of attributable mortality at a regional level

    European journal of public health, Vol. 34, Núm. 6, pp. 1218-1224

  15. Indoor radon as a public health problem. Available evidence on radon and its health effects

    Communicating Public Health Risk: The Case of Radon Gas (Taylor and Francis), pp. 11-28

  16. Influencia del nivel de estudios en la prevalencia de conductas de riesgo durante el periodo perinatal

    Adicciones: Revista de socidrogalcohol, Vol. 36, Núm. 4, pp. 371-378

  17. Mortality attributable to secondhand smoke exposure in the autonomous communities of Spain

    Revista Espanola de Cardiologia, Vol. 77, Núm. 11, pp. 912-918

  18. Occupational exposure to endotoxins and small cell lung cancer: a systematic review with meta-analysis

    Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part B: Critical Reviews, Vol. 27, Núm. 3, pp. 91-105

  19. Perception of cannabis use in the adolescent population: metasynthesis of qualitative studies

    Gaceta Sanitaria, Vol. 38