¿Es fácil encargarse de coordinar un Programa de Hipoacusia Infantil?
- BENITO-OREJAS, José Ignacio 1
- GARCÍA-VICARIO, Fernando 3
- 1 SACYL. Valladolid.
- 2 SACYL. Palencia.
- 3 SACYL. Burgos.
- 4 SACYL. Salamanca.
- 5 SACYL. León.
- 6 SACYL. Ponferrada.
ISSN: 2444-7986, 2444-7986
Ano de publicación: 2016
Volume: 7
Volume: 2
Páxinas: 77-90
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Revista ORL
Hearing loss is the most prevalent sensory deficiency at birth. Even though, coordinating a program for early detection and care may seem simple tasks, they are not so when it takes responsibility for the negative impact that a delay in the identification or treatment, can cause in the linguistic and educational development of the child. With this review, we provide an overview of the commitment involved in the practice of this task. Method: We analyze functions assigned to the supervisor of a "Children's Program of Hearing Loss", which are set in the program of the Community of Castilla y León, that are a reflection of other communities and countries, because they belong to an international consensus backed by different regulatory organisms, which in Spain corresponds to the Commission for the Early Detection of Hearing Loss (CODEPEH). Results: The coordinator of a "Children's Program of Hearing Loss" should monitor the early identification of the new born with hearing impairment, ensure early diagnosis and treatment, ask for specific tests and assess the success of the intervention. This process focuses on the family as a key driver of the project. The institutional and administrative support should be at the service of this activity. Conclusions: Take over a "Children's Program of Hearing Loss" implies a global conception, which consists of establishing a preventive control of hearing health of the child, that increases the complexity of their development.
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