Enseñando los cuidados de la piel a cuidadores de pacientes inmovilizados. Un estudio cualitativo entre profesionales y residentes de enfermería

  1. Laura Reyes-Valdivieso
  2. Daniel López-Fresno
  3. Eloína Canal-García
  4. Pilar Andrea Ruibal-Peña 1
  5. Irene María Villaverde-Fonseca 1
  6. Patricia Paz-Ramil
  7. Cesar Castro-Pita 1
  8. Silvia López-Martos 1
  1. 1 Gerencia de Gestión Integrada de Ferrol.
Enfermería Dermatológica

ISSN: 1888-3109 2386-4818

Ano de publicación: 2018

Ano: 12

Número: 34

Páxinas: 11-17

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Enfermería Dermatológica

Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable


Objective: To indicate the satisfaction and perceptions experienced by a group of nursing professionals and resi- dents in the face of teacher participation in the training program for the prevention of injuries related to dependence, aimed at caregivers of immobilized patients in the Sanitary Area of Ferrol. Method: Qualitative exploratory study using a focal group technique. A focus group session was held between three nursing professionals and seven resident internal nurses of the family and community specialty (RIN F&C), who participated as teachers in a training activity to empower them in care the skin to caregivers of immobilized patients with home care. The contents of the session were recorded in writing and the literal transcription of the discourse was carried out through a content analysis with a descriptive orientation. Results: The main results refer to an increase in the satisfaction of the nursing professionals and the RIN F&C in the areas explored, together with the consideration that this type of training (skin care, injury prevention) is very useful and important for patients and caregivers as well as for teachers. Concepts such as bidirectional learning, the change of role from teacher to facilitator, the applicability in external contexts to health services (home, schools, social health centers...), intrinsic motivation and a high perception of learning and exploitation. Areas of improvement were also identified, such as the need to intensify the training of caregivers in other areas and subjects, as well as to include other specialties of residents and physicians in said training experience. Conclusions: The good subjective perception of the lived experience and the satisfaction with the teacher training, predisposes to continue improving the current training program and collaborate in new learning activities that empower caregivers and patients in the prevention of injuries related to dependence.