¿Cumplen los pacientes el tratamiento pautado? Mejorar la adherencia en pacientes con hipertensión arterial esencial: objetivo de todos

  1. Luis Menéndez Rodríguez
  2. Trinidad Gamarra Mondelo
  3. Martín Menéndez Rodríguezc
  4. Olalla Quintairos Veloso
  5. Santiago Fernández Blas
  6. Xosé Luis López Álvarez-Muiño
Medicina general

ISSN: 0214-8986

Year of publication: 2019

Volume: 8

Issue: 2

Type: Article

More publications in: Medicina general


Lack of therapeutic compliance is a common phenomenon in the care practice. There is no existing defined profile of the non-complying patient. However, the elderly, those who have several comorbidities, persons with social isolation, persons with low income and patients with depressive conditions are a population at risk of non-compliance of the treatments. Actions to improve this must not stress the penalization of the patient. The clinical interview style should be focused on the patient. Motivational interview techniques have been shown to be effective. Improvement strategies that have demonstrated the best effectiveness in treatment compliance of high blood pressure have been: simplifying the treatment, appointment reminder systems, self-monitoring of the blood pressure, shared decision making with the patient, organizational improvements and participation of nurses and pharmacists. There is a consensus to apply several improvement strategies simultaneously.