Cirugía menor en Atención Primariados años de experiencia y evolución en el tiempo

  1. Rodríguez Jiménez, Carmen
  2. Franco Zarate, Natalia Catherine
  3. Ruido Taboada, Ana María
  4. Valverde Léis, Jesús
  5. Gulín González, Raimundo
  6. Fontao Paradela, Miriam
Cadernos de atención primaria

ISSN: 1134-3583

Ano de publicación: 2019

Volume: 25

Número: 1

Páxinas: 10-14

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Cadernos de atención primaria

Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable


Objectives: To analyse minor surgery in Primary Care including degree of satisfaction. To compare the most recent results with those obtained in the period 1996-2001. Method: Retrospective observational study. Urban healthcare center. Measurements: 275 interventions (2015-2016). Variables: Age, sex, presenting complaint, location of the lesion, waiting time, clinical diagnosis, type of intervention, incidents, type of incidences, histological diagnosis, complications, treatment. Telephone satisfaction survey. Comparison with 276 interventions (1996-2001). Results: 61% of the interventions were performed in women being 57 the median age and the most frequent location head and neck (43%). The most common presenting complaint were pain (43%) and esthetic (34%), the most used intervention sharp/curettage (44%) and the most frequent clinical diagnosis were hyperkeratosic lesions(28%), fibromas (26%) and cysts (22%).In the comparative analysis between periods we found a significant increase on the age of the patients (median of 52 versus 57) and the waiting time (median of 7 versus 12), and a non-significant decrease in the clinical-histological correlation (82% versus 74%) . Conclusion: Minor surgery in our Healthcare center has good results, few incidents and complications and a wide satisfaction among the users surveyed. In recent years the demand has increased a well as the waiting time with a slight decrease in the clinical-histological concordance, which forces us to think about organizational and training measures that allow us to improve our quality care.