Criterios de risco sociosanitario asociados á claudicación familiar e/ou angustia ante a alta hospitalaria na unidade de coidados paliativos do Complexo Hospitalario Universitario da Coruña (C.H.U.A.C.)

  1. Vilar Pumares, Maira 1
  2. Rodríguez Sierra, Miriam 1
  3. Andaluz Corujo, Luisa 1
  4. Sanmartín Moreira, Juan 1
  1. 1 Complexo Hospitalario Universitario da Coruña

    Complexo Hospitalario Universitario da Coruña

    La Coruña, España


Revista galega de traballo social "Fervenzas"

ISSN: 1698-5087 2254-7657

Year of publication: 2020

Issue: 22

Pages: 39-54

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista galega de traballo social "Fervenzas"


This work analyzes two Public Health diagnostics in the Hospital Palliati-ve Care: family claudication and anguish towards the hospital discharge. The work also analyzes the Public Health risk criteria that these diagnos-tics show.The objective is to make visible the prevail risk criteria, which we must focus on, making a greater intervention effort together with the main carer, with the family and with the patient. In the work we also want to highlight Criterios de risco sociosanitario asociados á claudicación familiar e/ou angustia ante a alta hospitalaria na unidade de coidados paliativos do Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de A Coruña (C.H.U.A.C.) the importance of the multidisciplinary team participation in the decision making and in recognizing the key social aspects to guarantee the required support to the hospital discharge.In Public Health Hospital Social Work, we often find these two diagnoses as fundamental problems when facing work with the patient and his main caregivers. Through the data, we try to make visible and being aware that family claudication and anxiety about care needs are a little recognized handicap when facing and planning hospital discharge, for all the actors in-volved: professionals, patients and the main caregivers. Both diagnoses are the most prevalent in all patients studied.The team that carried out this study, found that the diagnoses of advan-ced and complex disease generate a great anguish for the family and for the patient. This anguish is totally related to emotional overload and the difficulties of people to find solutions to their needs and problems. We are aware that families and patients are not able, at any given time, to find care solutions, due to their general exhaustion; both of physical, psychological and social nature. This gives rise to fear and anguish that make it difficult for the patienr to return to home in optimal conditions. If we understand this exhaustion situation, we can mitigate and improve the skills to find op-tions that facilitate the search for care for the hospital discharge.The patients studied are those who are admitted to the Palliative Care Unit of the C.H.U.A.C , during 2017, with the intervention of Public Health Social Work and whose data are collected in the “Registry of Socio-Health Data” (REDISS).