Eficacia de materiales con dispositivos de bioseguridad en un Área Sanitaria.

  1. Carreira González, P.
  2. González Centeno, P.
  3. Lameiro Vilariño, Carmen
Revista Enfermería del Trabajo

ISSN: 2174-2510

Ano de publicación: 2013

Volume: 3

Número: 4

Páxinas: 129-137

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Revista Enfermería del Trabajo


Introduction: Exposure to blood transmission virus (Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and HIV) through accidental inoculations is probably the most important occupational hazard in health care workers. It is important to point out to prevent the transmission , in addition to compliance Standard Precautions, the appearance in the last years materials including safety devices whose function is to protect the needle instrumental once the procedure has come to end, avoiding therefore, needle stick injuries. Objectives: Determining the effectiveness of Safety Devices at the Vigo Hospital since their establishment until now. Material and methods: A Descriptive study of registered needle stick injuries in the Occupational Health Service of Meixoeiro Hospital over the past 10 years, focusing on the material involved in them. Results: 1,731 needle sick injuries have been registered. It has gone from an average (median) of 19 and 9 cases to 0, in lancets and catheters (passive devices), from 7.5 to 3 cases in winged- steel needles and from 4.5 to 3 in blood analytical needle (active devices). The efficacy rate in the last year of the study has been 100% in the passive device materials and 60% and 33% in those with active type device. Conclusions: The establishment of bio security materials resulted effective in the needle stick injuries rate reduction in health care workers. More effectiveness should be remarked in passive type devices.

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